Thursday, July 12, 2007

Laughter Tips for Relationships

  • Laugh together for 5-10 min. each morning.
  • Do one loving and light-hearted thing for each other each day.
  • Point out the day's absurdities to each other.
  • Seek out the humor in serious situations and share it with each other.
  • Put more fun into sex.
  • Consciously smile at each other more.
  • Stay playful in your interaction by keeping your voices and body language playful.
  • Renew your "real vows" once a week.
  • Take turns being responsible for the humorous thought for the day.
  • Giggle together right before going to sleep.
  • Play "Teasing Telephone Tag" by leaving outrageous messages.
  • Have a laughter match to see who can laugh loudest and longest.
  • Surround yourself with flowers. "The earth laughs in flowers." Emerson.
  • Practice laughing without control. Spit out food, wet your pants, wet each other's pants.
  • Echo each other's laugh. Laugh each time your partner laughs.
  • Count the number of times you laugh each day. Compete and share them.
  • Tell each other how much you enjoy the other's laughter and sense of humor.
  • Develop a fictional phone menu for different laughs. Press 1 for giggles, press 2 for chuckles, press three for guffaws, etc.
  • List the positive things in your day each day and read them to each other.
  • Play together one hour a week. Examples: Sing, dance, race each other, give exaggerated hugs, count smiling faces when driving together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can anybody tell me his/her practical experience.

I am following some of tips but my wife has started doubting me.
